Credentials, attitude and depth of character are all aspects carefully considered before a new attorney joins the firm. Further, "civility within" is an operational attitude which defines this firm and makes it a great place to practice law. PK&H's environment fosters hard work, yet is mindful of family and civic responsibilities. It is a philosophy that engenders both loyalty and proficiency from the firm's associates and staff. As a multi-generational law firm, the firm is also firmly committed to mentoring and understands that time spent nurturing younger lawyers is key to the firm's long term success. It also pays dividends for clients in terms of accessing greater depth of talent. PK&H makes available to its attorneys an equally impressive support staff, including registered nurses who bring to bear significant expertise in medical malpractice and bodily injury cases. PK&H also maintains a staff of paralegals and legal secretaries. The firm is committed to arming its attorneys with the human resources they need to succeed. While these primary practice areas have remained at the heart of PK&H's expertise throughout the firm's existence, the firm has broadened its practice to fully serve the needs of its clients. The firm's attorneys have expertise in domestic relations and family law, business and corporate transactions, real estate law and consumer finance. |
For more about each individual
Thomas Y. Page
- Retired |
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