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John W. Chapman

  • Mississippi State University (B.S., 1969)
  • Delta State University
  • University of Mississippi (J.D., 1974)
  • Delta Theta Phi

  • Jackson County, Hinds County, Harrison County, Rankin County (Vice President 1998-2001) and American Bar Associations
  • The Mississippi Bar (Member, Committee on Professional Responsibility, 1990-1991; Member, Board of Bar Commissions, 1999-2002; Legal Heritage Committee, 2001-present)
  • U.S. Army Reserve (1968-1974)

  • Admitted to bar, 1974, Mississippi
  • U.S. District Court, Northern and Southern Districts of Mississippi
  • U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit

  • Domestic Relations
  • Civil Litigation
  • Personal Injury
  • Local Government Law
  • Medical Malpractice Defense

For more about each individual
PK&H attorney, click on their name.

Thomas Y. Page - Retired
Stephen P. Kruger
James D. Holland
Louis G. Baine, III
John W. Chapman
T.L. "Smith" Boykin, III
Senica M. Tubwell

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